468 W Louise St
Clarkesville, GA 30523
The social time is around 6:00 - 6:30 with the program starting at 6:30...
Our guest speaker for the October Foothills meeting will be Jeff
Durniak. Jeff, as we all know, is the Regional Fisheries Biologist for
north Georgia. Under his guidance as not only a professional biologist
but as an avid trout angler we have seen trout fishing in north Georgia
evolve from mostly put and take to a wide variety of opportunities
including catch & release, put, grow and take, trophy wild brown
trout and Delayed Harvest streams. This Thursday, Jeff will present a
comprehensive program on how to make your Fall, Winter and Spring
Delayed Harvest fishing the best it can be. He will also have handouts
available featuring his own personal guidelines for how he fishes for
success throughout our best seasons. You don't want to miss this one!
This could be the best program of the year to bring a newbie to our meeting and give them an excellent opportunity to shorten their learning curve. And don't forget, Unicoi Outfitters has available free Trout Unlimited memberships for new members. So bring your who's curious about what you do, bring a young person who needs an alternative to video games or just grab someone in the grocery store!
This could be the best program of the year to bring a newbie to our meeting and give them an excellent opportunity to shorten their learning curve. And don't forget, Unicoi Outfitters has available free Trout Unlimited memberships for new members. So bring your who's curious about what you do, bring a young person who needs an alternative to video games or just grab someone in the grocery store!